Hyderabad:Following their victory over Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) in the IPL final, which took place at Chennai's MA Chidambaram Stadium, Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) were seen in a celebratory mode with love pouring from all sides. Co-owner of KKR Shah Rukh Khan congratulated his team on their outstanding victory as he lifted the trophy with his wife Gauri Khan. For the unversed, this is KKR's 3rd win at the Indian Premier League (IPL).
The Jawan actor was joined by Suhana, Ananya, and Shanaya to witness the momentous victory. The actor and his whole family were at the stadium to witness the historic moment as the team hoisted the trophy. Videos and images from the game depict how SRK and his family celebrated the team's victory in the Indian Premier League 2024 final.
A widely shared video from the pitch shows an ecstatic Shah Rukh Khan hugging his wife Gauri Khan. The team finally got the trophy after ten years, so there's cause for celebration. In another adorable video, the Pathaan actor is seen celebrating the great triumph by giving his children, Suhana Khan, AbRam, and Aryan Khan, a strong hug.