Hyderabad:Superstar Shah Rukh Khan paid his respects to Menka Irani, the late mother of filmmaker and choreographer Farah Khan. Menka Irani passed away earlier on Friday, July 26, after a prolonged illness. SRK, who shares a close bond with Farah, visited her home along with his wife Gauri Khan and daughter Suhana Khan during the late evening hours.
The Khan family arrived at Farah’s residence to offer their condolences. Farah’s brother, filmmaker Sajid Khan, had been living with their mother in the same house. Menka Irani, aged 79, had been unwell for some time, as Farah had previously shared on Instagram, detailing her mother’s numerous surgeries.
A number of social media posts captured moments from the visit. In one video, Shah Rukh, dressed in a white shirt, jeans, and shoes, was seen arriving with Gauri and Suhana. Gauri wore a green and white outfit, while Suhana chose a black sweatshirt and trousers. Another clip showed Shah Rukh and Gauri leaving Farah's home, with Shah Rukh embracing Farah before parting ways. Farah was seen in a blue outfit, and Shah Rukh's manager, Pooja Dadlani, accompanied them.