Hyderabad:Shah Rukh Khan made a striking entry at the Mumbai airport on Friday morning as he was headed for Switzerland. In a video that is widely shared on social media, SRK can be seen exiting his car and walking towards the terminal with his entourage. He wore a white t-shirt, an orange jacket, and blue pants in a fresh avatar.
The Bollywood superstar complemented his appearance with black goggles and looked handsome as always. As per reports, the Bollywood superstar is visiting Switzerland for the Locarno Film Festival. He will be presented with the Honorary Leopard Achievement Award. The award will honour his amazing career in Indian cinema, which includes over 100 films across a wide range of genres.
He will be honoured at Piazza Grande on Saturday evening, August 10. In addition, an important film from Khan's career, Devdas, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali in 2002 will be presented during the Festival, and then SRK will attend the Forum @Spazio Cinema for a public chat on Sunday, August 11.