Hyderabad:According to Delhi Police officials, one of the two individuals seen in a CCTV film opening fire outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan's Mumbai home is believed to be from Gurugram. On Sunday, around five in the morning, two individuals shot four rounds outside the actor's Bandra Galaxy Apartments and ran away. An FIR has been filed against "unidentified persons" under the Arms Act and IPC section 307 (attempt to murder), according to a Bandra police official.
One of the two is reportedly a suspected criminal from Gurugram who was involved in several killings and robberies in Haryana and is wanted in the murder of businessman Sachin Munjal of Gurugram, according to an official source in the Delhi Police. Foreign-based gangster Rohit Godara allegedly took credit for Munjal's death in a social media post. Gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi, his brother Anmol, and Goldy Brar are close friends with him.
Salman Khan was warned that the incident was a "trailer" by Anmol Bishnoi, who allegedly admitted responsibility for the shooting outside his home on Sunday, hours after it happened, according to police sources. After receiving an email at Khan's workplace in March of last year, the Mumbai Police filed a formal complaint (FIR) under IPC sections 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 506-II (criminal intimidation), and 34 (common intention) against Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar, and one other individual.