Hyderabad: Salman Khan treated his fans to an early birthday surprise by unveiling the first look of his upcoming film Sikandar. The poster released a day ahead of his 59th birthday, showcases the superstar in a dashing suit, carrying a spear in a mysterious, atmospheric backdrop. Directed by AR Murugadoss and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, the film is slated to release during Eid 2025.
Sharing the poster on Instagram, Salman wrote, "See u again kal subah theek 11.07 baje... #SikandarTeaserTomorrow #SajidNadiadwala’s #Sikandar Directed by @a.r.murugadoss Releasing in cinemas EID 2025." The much-anticipated teaser will premiere at 11:07 am on December 27, adding to the festive mood surrounding the superstar's birthday.
This marks Salman's first major film since Tiger 3 in 2023, and he steps into a character that combines intense action with emotional depth. The collaboration between Salman and Murugadoss has generated immense buzz, with fans eagerly awaiting the director's signature touch in this action-packed drama.