New Delhi: Production banner Roy Kapur Films, in collaboration with Trickitainment Media, has secured the rights to produce a biographical film on the life of India's first Chief Election Commissioner Sukumar Sen. The announcement was made on Monday, on the eve of the vote counting of the 18th general elections.
As a mathematician-turned-civil servant, Sen played a pivotal role in shaping India's democratic process, particularly during the 1952 general elections, the country's first election after gaining independence. His innovative approaches, such as assigning distinct symbols and colours to political parties to combat illiteracy and introducing indelible ink on fingernails to prevent voter impersonation, continue to influence the electoral landscape even today.
Siddharth Roy Kapur, producer and founder of Roy Kapur Films, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to bring Sen's extraordinary story to life, hailing him as a national hero. "His contribution to laying the architecture for our democratic process deserves to be celebrated and we look forward to bringing audiences in India and around the world this thrilling story of our very first election and the amazing man behind it," Kapur stated.