Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Rimi Sen has initiated legal action against the vehicle manufacturer Land Rover, seeking compensation of Rs 50 crore due to alleged difficulties with her car. Rimi Sen purchased the car in 2020 for Rs 92 lakh. The actor, in her complaint, accused the car company of mental harassment concerning the vehicle's repair issues.
The car was bought from an authorised Jaguar Land Rover dealership with a warranty until January 2023. However, the usage of the vehicle was considerably limited because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns, which meant it remained largely unused until the restrictions were lifted. When Rimi Sen started using the car more frequently, she reportedly encountered several defects, which included faults with the sound system, sunroof, and rear-end camera.
She stated in her complaint that on August 25, 2022, the malfunction of the rear-end camera resulted in her car colliding with a pillar. In spite of reaching out to the dealers regarding these issues, she asserts that her concerns were met with disregard, with requests for evidence before any action was taken on her complaints. This situation created a cycle of repairs whereby one issue would seemingly get resolved only for another to arise shortly after.