Hyderabad:The Kapoors, Hindi cinema's first family, recently marked the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary Raj Kapoor. A grand celebration took place in Mumbai on Friday, drawing attention from fans and celebrities alike. This tribute to the iconic showman was about remembering his legacy. With a series of heartwarming moments and star-studded appearances, Rekha's endearing moment with Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda has left netizens hooked.
Before the Mumbai event, the Kapoor family took a significant step by traveling to Delhi to invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi to join the celebrations. This act of respect for Raj Kapoor's legacy was followed by a grand celebration in Mumbai. The evening marked the launch of a film festival, which began on December 13 and will run until December 15. The festival is set to showcase 10 of Raj Kapoor's most iconic films, spreading the magic of his cinema across various cities.
Among the many special moments, one that stood out was the interaction between evergreen diva Rekha and Agastya. In a heartwarming exchange, Rekha hugged Agastya and complimented him with a tender gesture, placing her hand on his cheek. Agastya, visibly touched, offered her a respectful namaste. This warm exchange between the two, captured in a viral video, is going viral on social media.