Hyderabad: Telugu actor Ravi Teja has sustained an injury, specifically a torn muscle in his right arm, while he was on the set of his upcoming film. Despite experiencing pain, he continued with the shooting, which led to a worsening of his condition. Following this, he underwent a surgical procedure at Yashoda Hospitals, and the doctors have now advised him to take a six-week bed rest to ensure his full recovery.
A representative for the actor publicly confirmed the situation, indicating that Ravi must refrain from work for the next six weeks as he recovers. The representative's statement read, "Mass Maharaja #Raviteja recently sustained a muscle tear in his right hand during the filming of #RT75. Despite the injury, he continued to shoot, which unfortunately led to further aggravation. Yesterday, He underwent a successful surgery at Yashoda Hospitals and as per medical advice, he has been prescribed six weeks of bed rest to ensure a complete recovery."