Hyderabad:Bollywood power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone never fail to set relationship goals in the film business. The two recently delighted their admirers with the exciting news of their pregnancy, as they excitedly await the arrival of their first child in September of this year. It's no surprise that Ranveer has been the definition of a devoted husband and standing by it he was seen escorting soon-to-be-mom Deepika to the Mumbai airport this morning.
Deepika was spotted arriving at the Mumbai airport today, March 10, in a blue sedan. Her actor-husband, Ranveer Singh, accompanied her and was spotted sitting in the car. As Deepika exited the car, the couple smiled at the paparazzi stationed at the airport. She then made her way towards the security check, while Ranveer drove off.
Deepika opted for an oversized brown sweater, blue denim trousers and elegant brown boots. Her minimal makeup, tight hair, and stylish black sunglasses accentuated her look. Deepika carried a brown handbag and oozed elegance, her pregnant glow shining through. Before entering the terminal, she gladly posed for the cameras.