Hyderabad:Ranbir Kapoor's latest venture Animal made waves at the box office, with the team announcing a second part, Animal Park. However, in a recent interview, Ranbir revealed that director Sandeep Reddy Vanga intends to develop Animal into a trilogy. He also opened up about Brahmastra's second part and Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana.
Animal Park: A Trilogy in the Making
At the Red Sea Film Festival 2024, Ranbir shared that the second installment, Animal Park, is set to begin shooting in 2027. He also revealed that discussions about the sequel began on the sets of the first film. Kapoor expressed his excitement about playing two characters in Animal Park - the antagonist and the protagonist.
He explained that the antagonist undergoes plastic surgery in the first part, transforming to resemble the protagonist. This intriguing twist sets the stage for the second installment. Ranbir also opened up about Sandeep Reddy Vanga's plan to turn the film into a trilogy.
Heaping praises on the director, Ranbir said that Vanga is a focused filmmaker, and the first installment turned out exactly as planned. Kapoor further revealed that the shoot for Animal Park will begin in 2017 as Sandeep is busy with his other projects.