Hyderabad:Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma recently shared a spine-chilling incident involving a mysterious encounter on a flight, leaving him deeply unsettled. Varma, known for his supernatural hits, revealed an eerie interaction with someone unexpected, someone who seemed to have an uncanny link to his deceased father.
In a recent interview, the filmmaker recalled a mid-air interaction with celebrated choreographer Shiamak Davar, who claimed to have seen the spirit of RGV’s father aboard the flight," Varma said in a video uploaded on his YouTube channel. "The plane took off, and then, in broad daylight, mid-air, he (Shiamak) suddenly asked me, ‘Your father passed away?’ It was an unusual question to ask, but it was true."
"Fifteen days before this encounter, my father had passed away. So I told him yes. Now, he was on the window seat, and I was in the aisle. He then looked at me for a while, and said, ‘He is here with us.’ I was completely taken aback! And he is a choreographer, I expect such questions from a guy who does some weird…,” Varma continued.