Hyderabad: The South Indian film industry is abuzz with anticipation as two of its biggest stars, Rajinikanth and Ajith, gear up for a potential box-office showdown this Diwali. Rajinikanth, known for his unparalleled box office draw, is set for the release of his next film Vettaiyan in October. Initially, it was expected to clash with Suriya's Kanguva, but the producer, KE Gnanavel Raja, has confirmed that the latter will not compete with Vettaiyan, citing emotional and professional unpreparedness for a release alongside a Rajinikanth film.
This indirect confirmation suggests that Vettaiyan will hit theatres during the Diwali festival, although an official announcement is still awaited. Meanwhile, the makers of Ajith's Vidaamuyarchi had earlier hinted at a Diwali release, setting the stage for a possible clash between the two titans. The last time they faced off was during the 2019 Pongal festival when Rajinikanth's Petta and Ajith's Viswasam both earned massive box office numbers. This time around, the stakes are high, with both films promising to be major releases.