Hyderabad: The latest film collaboration between superstar Rajinikanth and director Lokesh Kanagaraj has been titled Coolie, the title teaser of which was released on April 22, garnering over five million views on YouTube in a day. Fans have been captivated by the high-octane teaser, and various prominent personalities, including actor-director Dhanush, have also shared their reactions to the title teaser.
Dhanush, who was previously married to Rajinikanth's daughter, Aishwarya, expressed his admiration for the teaser, labelling it as 'Mass' and even took to his social media handle to share the new poster of the upcoming Rajinikanth starrer.
Moreover, a multitude of celebrities, including Karthik Subbaraj, Shanthanu, Balaji, Krishna and Anjana among others have chimed in with their reactions to the Coolie title teaser, leading to its rapid circulation across online platforms. The teaser has effectively generated hype among audiences, building anticipation for the film's release and signalling a potential box-office success for the collaboration between Rajinikanth and Lokesh Kanagaraj.