Hyderabad: Salman Khan fans cannot keep calm as reports of deadly combination on the silver screen takes over social media. A couple of days ago, there was a buzz about Bollywood superstar Salman Khan joining hands with Jawan director Atlee for an actioner. Now, taking it a top-notch higher, speculations are ripe of Atlee signing Rajinikanth alongside the Dabangg actor.
As per a report in an entertainment portal, insiders close to Atlee have revealed that the Jawan director intends to make the biggest film in Indian cinema. According to the report, Atlee is preparing to bring together two superstars: Salman Khan and Rajinikanth. According to a source close to the portal, Atlee, Rajinikanth, and Salman Khan would meet again next time.
According to reports, the film would be produced by the renowned Sun Pictures, who have a close relationship with Rajinikanth. It is also reported that the filmmaker has been in contact with the Wanted star for the past two years. The report's sources also stated that they are confident in their ability to bring both actors on board.