Hyderabad:Actor Priyanka Chopra, her singer husband Nick Jonas, and their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas were seen at the Mumbai airport. Numerous pictures and videos of the family surfaced on social media sites. A fan account posted a video of Priyanka holding Malti in her arms as they got out of their car, while Nick Jonas signalled to the photographers to not disturb baby Malti and to talk softly.
In the video posted by a paparazzi, Priyanka can be seen caressing the toddler's head while she rested it on her shoulders. Later, as Nick stroked her, she turned to face the photographers as well. He kissed Malti's forehead as well. The three were leaving Mumbai after celebrating Holi here.
Priyanka dressed in a monochrome attire, beige trousers, shoes and a cream hoodie for the trip. Nick chose to wear green trousers, white trainers and a black T-shirt. He had a bag on him too. They were each sporting dark shades. Malti was wearing a pink outfit, and Priyanka had a shawl wrapped around her.
Priyanka, Nick, and Malti were seen in Mumbai earlier on Saturday wearing traditional attire. Priyanka donned a red saree. Nick went with a beige blazer and white pyjamas. Malti was spotted wearing a red skirt and top, twinning with her actor mother.