New Delhi: The star cast of the upcoming Punjabi film Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di, including Gippy Grewal, Gurpreet Ghuggi and Jasmin Bhasin lit up the city with their camaraderie and became a treat for the media and fans. Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di, the third instalment in the popular Ardaas series, is more than just a movie; it is a reflection of universal themes of faith, resilience, and the shared human experience.
Gippy Grewal, the actor and director of the film, shared his excitement in an interaction with ETV Bharat. "If prayer is done in true form, it is always heard," Grewal said, describing the unique narrative of the third instalment. He said "The story is different because it motivates you, boosts you up, and tells a new way of living life. This time, the journey spans from Punjab to the throne of Shri Hazur Sahib, depicting how various characters' lives change gradually, reflecting their pains and sufferings."
Actor and comedian Gurpreet Ghuggi added, "Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di is Punjabi, but its thought is universal. It does not belong to any one religious sect or any country. It's about praying for the good of all. The movie shares many life lessons, reflecting on experiences that people often keep to themselves. Watching this movie, you might feel like it speaks on your behalf, sharing thoughts and emotions you may not have been able to express. It has the potential to change your perspective, to remind you of what’s truly important in life."