Hyderabad:Tamil actor Vijay Sethupathi, during a promotional event for his upcoming film Maharaja, was asked about his viewpoint on heroes working with younger heroines. However, the actor politely declined to repeat the topic, stating that he had already addressed it previously and requested the media to move on saying 'please leave it'.
During an interview with a newswire at the press meet, Vijay had shared his thoughts on the topic, citing his experience working with Krithi Shetty in the 2021 film Uppenna. He revealed that a director had approached him to consider Krithi as the heroine for another project, but he had declined the offer. Vijay explained that during the climax sequence of Uppenna, he had asked Krithi to regard him as a father figure, and therefore, he said 'no'.
Vijay further stated that the decision to collaborate with a hero lies with the female actor as well. He said, "What if she (Krithi) had told me that she doesn't want to act with me because 'this man has asked me to consider him as dad'. She can also say no." Vijay mentioned that he had already provided his perspective on this topic and would rather not speak on it further.