Hyderabad: Bollywood power couple and soon-to-be parents Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone arrived at Mumbai's famous Siddhivinayak temple ahead of the due date on September 28, 2024. The couple ventured out to seek blessings as they're about to start a new chapter in their lives with the arrival of their first child. The expecting parents visited the temple just a day before Mumbai slips into festive mode with Ganesh Chaturthi on Saturday.
Deepika, who is anticipating her baby's arrival this month, wore an elegant green silk saree embellished with golden thread work. To accentuate her look, Deepika opted for a simple pair of earrings, while she gracefully concealed her baby bump behind the pallu of her saree. Ranveer, on the other hand, could be seen donning a stylish off-white kurta ensemble.
In one particular video, the duo can be spotted walking towards the temple, with Deepika greeting attendees in the vicinity. Following closely behind, Ranveer engaged with those around them before gently leading Deepika into the temple, holding her hand as they walked.