Hyderabad:As the 97th Academy Awards draw near, the Indian film industry is buzzing with excitement after five Indian films, including Suriya's Kanguva, were named among the 323 eligible contenders for the prestigious Oscars 2025. The news came as a surprise for many, given that Kanguva, which had a mixed reception at the box office, is now vying for a spot in the Best Picture category alongside other global films. Despite its underwhelming box office performance, the film has defied expectations by securing a place in the Oscar race.
Released with a massive production budget of Rs 350 crore, Kanguva was expected to be a box-office juggernaut. However, the film's journey has been far from smooth. Despite significant buzz and high anticipation, Kanguva finished its theatrical run with a disappointing Rs 96 crore, a far cry from the Rs 100 crore milestone that was widely predicted. The film received mixed reviews, with critics pointing out issues like a loud sound design and underutilised supporting actors. However, Kanguva was able to catch the attention of the Academy, making its way onto the Oscar eligibility list.