Hyderabad:The Malayalam film industry has come under the scanner as multiple FIRs have been registered against prominent actors and directors following serious allegations of sexual misconduct. Recent developments include another sexual harassment case filed against actor Jayasurya, adding to the complaint levied against him by actress Minu Muneer earlier. The new FIR was registered in Thiruvananthapuram and will be transferred to the Thodupuzha Police Station for further investigation.
On Thursday, actress Sonia Malhar addressed the issue and revealed shocking incidents of mistreatment and exploitation during the initial years of her career. While speaking to a news agency, she said, "I entered the industry in 2013 and after doing one or two films, there was an incident on a film set. The shoot was in Thodupuzha. When I arrived on location, I noticed that, unlike the usual practice where junior artists are not introduced to the lead actors, I received some respect because of my social work background. Even the director came up to me and shook my hand, which is not typical. He then introduced me to the lead actor and actress."
She added, "I was asked to go for makeup and change into my costume. They mentioned there was a slight change in the location. The makeup and costume room, along with toilet facilities, were in an old building nearby. When I went to the toilet and came back, someone unexpectedly held me. I was terrified and he later apologised."