Hyderabad: Nayanthara's Tamil movie Annapoorani, which has been embroiled in controversy, leading to its removal from the streaming giant Netflix, is set to return to the OTT landscape after six months. Initially released in theatres in December 2023, Annapoorani marked Nayanthara's 75th project. It was taken down from Netflix and the Simply South platforms in January 2024 due to significant backlash from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, who argued that the film was offensive to Hindu beliefs.
Annapoorani will be accessible for streaming exclusively on Simply South for audiences around the globe from August 9, 2024, except for viewers in India. The streaming platform has confirmed this upcoming release, though further details regarding its availability for the Indian audience on other OTT services remain unclear.
Helmed by Nilesh Krishnaa, the storyline of Annapoorani revolves around the titular character, a young woman portrayed by Nayanthara, who aspires to be a chef despite encountering opposition from her traditional Brahmin family and her priest father. The film generated mixed reviews during its theatrical run, but its debut on Netflix ignited a series of heated debates regarding its themes.
Bankrolled by Zee Studios, Naad Studios, and Trident Arts, the film also features a talented cast including Jai, Sathyaraj, KS Ravi Kumar, Redin Kingsley, Kumari Sachu, Renuka, Karthik Kumar, Achyuth Kumar, and Suresh Chakkaravarthy. The musical score for Annapoorani is crafted by composer Thaman.
- Annapoorani row: Nayanthara tenders apology, highlights 'removal of censored film' in same breath
- 'Propaganda', 'shameful case of censorship', Tamil industry 'mum': Annapoorani row divides internet
- Explained: Why Nayanthara starrer Annapoorani was taken off from Netflix