Hyderabad: In a special celebration of cinema, the Multiplex Association of India (MAI) is set to hold National Cinema Day on September 20, offering moviegoers a chance to watch Kareena Kapoor's gripping drama The Buckingham Murders, Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao's Stree 2 among other films for just Rs 99 per ticket. Balaji Motion Pictures officially announced the revised ticket prices for Friday screenings on their Instagram handle for the Kareena Kapoor starrer. Helmed by Hansal Mehta, the mysterious drama revolves around Sergeant Jasmeet 'Jass' Bhamra (played by Kareena) dealing with the loss of her young son Ekam (essayed by Mairaaj Kakkar).
In a press release, the national multiplex trade body on Wednesday said that the National Cinema Day will be held on September 20 this year wherein cinephiles will be charged only Rs 99 per admission at theatres across the country. This year's event includes a diverse lineup of films across over 4,000 screens nationwide, showcasing both new releases and beloved classics. Cinema halls, including PVR INOX, Cinepolis, Miraj, Movie Time and Delite, have teamed up to show films at the said ticket price.