Hyderabad:Mirzapur 3, starring Pankaj Tripathi and Ali Fazal, is set to hit Amazon Prime Video in July. The teaser dropped earlier on the platform, sending fans into a frenzy as the makers hinted that "Jungle mein bhaukaal machne wala hai," loosely translates as, "There is going to be chaos in the forest." Now, the makers are all geared up to unveil the much-awaited Mirzapur 3 trailer.
Scheduled for a July 5 premiere, Mirzapur 3 unfolds in the heart of Uttar Pradesh's Mirzapur, revolving around a businessman deeply entangled in the mafia, dominating the carpet export scene. Enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the trailer, and the wait is almost over as the makers gear up for the big reveal.
Excel Entertainment, the creative force behind Mirzapur, took to social media to announce the trailer's release date. "Trailer date is here with some bhaukaal #MirzapurOnPrime, official trailer release on June 20," they declared, accompanied by a striking poster capturing the essence of the lead characters.