Hyderabad:Manjummel Boys has crossed the Rs 100 crore mark at the box office within just 13 days of release, a rare feat given the industry's size. The movie, directed by Chidambaram, features a talented cast including Soubin Sahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathy, and Jean Paul Lal.
The makers took to social media on Tuesday to announce that Manjummel Boys has achieved the remarkable milestone of being the fastest Malayalam film to gross Rs 100 crore in the history of Mollywood, accomplishing this feat within just 9 days of its release. It's worth noting that last year the Tovino Thomas-starrer 2018: Everyone Is A Hero achieved the same feat in 10 days.
Inspired by true events, the film narrates a gripping survival drama centered around Subhash, portrayed by Sreenath, who falls into a deep pit at the famous Guna Caves in Kodaikanal. Subhash's friends, along with first responders, undertake a daring rescue mission to save him from the treacherous depths of the caves.
Manjummel Boys has not only received acclaim from audiences but also garnered attention from filmmakers like Anurag Kashyap and Venkat Prabu. Kashyap praised the film's confident storytelling, superior to many big-budget productions in India, while Venkat expressed pride in its success in Tamil Nadu, highlighting its appeal across language barriers.