Hyderabad: The Malayalam film industry mourns the loss of actor Nirmal Benny, who passed away at the age of 37 this morning, August 23. He was widely recognised for his remarkable performance in the 2013 film Amen, starring Fahadh Faasil. The heartbreaking news was shared by his close friend, producer Sanjay Padiyoor via his social media platform.
Sanjay took to his Instagram account to express his sorrow, sharing that Nirmal suffered a heart attack in Thiruvananthapuram. He dropped a picture of the late actor and wrote, "Farewell to a dear friend with a heavy heart.... Nirmal was the central character of the movie Kochacha in Amen Nirmal... The death was due to a heart attack this morning..... Praying to the Almighty that the soul of my dear friend should rest in eternal peace."