Hyderabad: The trailer of the movie Maidaan starring actor Ajay Devgn is finally out. The sports drama's trailer was released by the actor on Thursday. The trailer was well received by the public and has added to the buzz around the film.
Ajay shared the teaser and wrote, "A team that carved its legacy with every step! A man who devoted his life to football And one #Maidaan where the whole world witnessed it all... Bringing the Golden Era of Indian Football to life! ⚽🏆✨ #MaidaanTrailer Out Now #MaidaanOnEid #AajaoMaidaanMein"
It provides a small peek into India's illustrious past in football. The movie is based on true events. The trailer provided a brief glimpse into the great years of Indian football, which ran from 1952 until 1962. The Indian football squad during this time accomplished the amazing achievement of qualifying for the Olympics twice.
It is expected to rekindle viewers' enthusiasm for football while showcasing a noteworthy period in Indian sports history. In the film, Ajay portrays the renowned coach Syed Abdul Rahim, who is regarded as the pioneer of Indian football. Apart from Ajay, Rudranil Ghosh, a Bengali actor, Priyamani, and Gajraj Rao also feature in the movie.