Chennai:The Madras High Court upheld the dismissal of actor Mansoor Ali Khan's case seeking permission to sue three people, including actor Trisha, for Rs 1 crore each. The court, however, cancelled the Rs.1 lakh fine imposed on him. Mansoor Ali Khan had filed a petition to the Chennai High Court for permission to sue actresses Trisha and Khushboo, as well as actor Chiranjeevi, for damages of Rs.1 crore each.
The single judge who heard the petition claimed that the lawsuit was filed for the purpose of wasting court time and gaining publicity, and he dismissed Mansoor's plea. However, the court refuted the one lakh rupee fined on him.
During the hearing, Mansoor Ali Khan's side maintained that Trisha and Khushbu are in Tamil Nadu, whereas Chiranjeevi is in Andhra Pradesh. They submitted a petition asking for permission to file a case against him, but it was rejected. The actor's side also argued that the fine order should be cancelled, and that they do not wish to pursue the matter against the other two. The justices accepted this reasoning and cancelled the ruling imposing a Rs.1 lakh punishment on Mansoor Ali Khan. Meanwhile, the Single Judge dismissed the case and confirmed the order.
For the unversed, Mansoor Ali Khan faced criticsm for allegedly making misogynistic remarks about his Leo co-star Trisha Krishnan. It all started after a video of him from one of his interviews surfaced on social media, in which he said that he planned to have a rape scene in Leo starring Trisha, like he had in previous films with Khushboo and Roja. Trisha and Mansoor Ali Khan play crucial roles in Lokesh Kanagaraj's film Leo despite not sharing screen space.
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