Hyderabad:The trailer of Ravi Kishan's new courtroom drama series, Maamla Legal Hai, has just dropped. The trailer of Netflix series gives us a glimpse into the chaotic yet hilarious world of the Patparganj District Court. The trailer, shared by Netflix on Instagram, invites viewers to witness justice served with a dose of laughter in District Court Patparganj. The show is scheduled to premiere on March 1, on Netflix.
As trailer suggests, Maamla Legal Hai unfolds the stories of the Patparganj District Court, where a group of quirky individuals navigates through chaos to uphold justice. Leading the pack is VD Tyagi (played by Ravi Kishan), a sharp lawyer who challenges the norms of justice. Alongside him is Ananya Shroff (played by Naila Grrewal), a Harvard LLM alum and a passionate advocate for justice, who brings a fresh perspective to the team.
dding to the mix is Sujata Negi (played by Nidhi Bisht), the OG Didi of the court, who simply desires her own air-conditioned chamber and has yet to represent a case. Rounding out the ensemble is Vishwas Pandey (played by Anant V Joshi), the court manager who fancies himself as the Donna Paulson of the Patparganj District Court, known for his wittiness and charm.