Hyderabad:Actor Lara Dutta has responded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent controversial speech, in which he stated that the Congress party had plans to distribute the country's wealth among Muslims. While the authenticity of the PM's assertions has been questioned, Lara Dutta applauded him for remaining true to his beliefs. For the unversed, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that Congress would divide people's wealth to "infiltrators" and "those who have more children".
"At the end of the day, you have to stand by what your beliefs are," she remarked in a recent interview, while her co-star from a new streaming series, Jimmy Shergill, stated that disloyal Indians needed a 'reality check'. When asked about the Prime Minister's speech at a rally in Rajasthan, Lara stated, "We are all humans at the end of the day. It is quite tough to keep everyone happy all the time. If we (actors) are not immune to trolling, neither is the Prime Minister of this country. We all take it in stride. You can't keep treading on eggshells because you don't want to anger either side. Somewhere along the way, you must be faithful to your truth and beliefs. And congrats to him for having the gumption to do so. At the end of the day, you must stand by your beliefs."
Speaking at a crowded event in Rajasthan, Modi stated that if the opposition led by the Congress party came to power, the country's riches would be distributed among "those who have more children," an apparent reference to Muslims, whom he has previously mentioned. Lara was asked about the statement as it made headlines for making a communal statement. The actor, who is preparing for her upcoming series Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond, lauded the PM for speaking what he believed in.