Hyderabad:Trailer of Kiran Rao's latest directorial, Laapataa Ladies, unveiled on Wednesday, offering a hilarious glimpse into the chaos surrounding the search for two missing brides. Known for her directorial debut with the 2010 film Dhobi Ghat, where she collaborated with Aamir Khan, Kiran once again teams up with her estranged husband for this entertaining venture.
The Laapataa Ladies trailer immerses us in the rustic charm of rural India, setting the stage for the comedic mayhem triggered by the disappearance of two young brides. The narrative of Kiran's film takes an amusing turn as the trailer reveals a mix-up involving two brides under the veil, resulting in a delightful comedy of errors.
Starting with the newlywed groom, Deepak Kumar and his wife getting welcome by family and relatives. The trailer unfolds the story of his bride mysteriously vanishing after just three days of marriage. The ensuing chaos leads Deepak and his friend to file an FIR at the police station, introducing Ravi Kishan as the witty Inspector Shyam Manohar.