Hyderabad: Following actor Kartik Aaryan's cryptic hint about a new 'mystery girl' in the upcoming film Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, he eventually disclosed his new co-star Triptii Dimri via his social media handle. The puzzle piece featuring Triptii's smiling face was revealed among candles, a lantern, a lock, and a key placed on a table. A card beside it showed the film's title.
Triptii Dimri, who was previously seen in the movie Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor, is now confirmed to be starring in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 alongside Kartik. On Wednesday, Kartik welcomed Triptii with a post on Instagram. He wrote in the caption, "Welcome to the World of Bhool Bhulaiyaa @tripti_dimri." The image also read, "The thrills and chills intensify with the addition of Triptii Dimri on board."
Reacting to the post, a netizen commented, "Excited for Kartik & Tripti!" Another wrote, "We guess right!! Omg, I'm freaking excited about this." One more wrote, "This is gonna be interesting to see this duo on the big screen." A few sections of the users wanted Kiara Advani in the film with one commenting, "Kiara was the best choice." Another commented, "Kiara Advani nahi hogi kya?"