Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut expressed her concerns over the lack of representation for dark or dusky-skinned female actors in the Indian film industry. On Wednesday, she took to her Instagram Story to express her thoughts on Mahakumbh girl Monalisa, a young garland seller from Indore, who has gone viral for her appearance.
Kangana expressed her disappointment with the way the girl is being pressured for images and wondered why no young actors in the profession today have a dusky tone.
While praising Monalisa, Kangana condemned the harassment she faced from selfie-seekers. "This young girl Monalisa has become an internet sensation for her natural beauty, as much as I hate people harassing her for pictures and interviews I can't help but think do we have dark dusky Indian tone female representation in the glamour world anymore? Are people loving young actresses how they loved Anu Agarwal, Kajol, Bipasha, Deepika or Rani Mukerji?
She further questioned why many contemporary female actors appear unnaturally fair, saying, "Why do all actresses look as pale as a white woman including those who were dark in younger days? Why people don't identify newcomers the way they identify with Monalisa? Too much laser and glutathione injections?"