Hyderabad:Kannada superstar Yash finally kickstarted the shoot for his highly-anticipated film Toxic after an auspicious pooja ceremony. The film began shooting on August 8, 2024, as decided earlier by the team of Toxic. The makers of Toxic shared several pictures from the pooja ceremony, one of which showed a light man giving the muhurat clap.
The film, directed by Geetu Mohandas, awaited this auspicious date, given its significance in Yash's life and career. According to reports, the date August 8th, 2024, which translates to triple 8, is very significant to Yash's life, as it corresponds to his birth date. Sharing a still from the first day at the sets of Toxic, Yash wrote: "The journey begins 🎬 #Toxic" The news has garnered exciting reactions from his fans who were eagerly awaiting updates on the film. Reacting to the post, a fan wrote: "The real hero." Another one wrote: "Another blockbuster loading." One social media user commented: "History begins."
On the other hand, the makers of the film shared several other pictures from the first day of the shoot. Taking to the official handle of KVN pictures, makers wrote: "A new chapter begins for a tale to witness. #ToxicShootBegins today with an auspicious pooja ceremony. Here are some magical moments." The pictures showed Yash posing with director Geetu Mohandas and others. In another snap, we see a lightman giving the clap for the film Toxic.