Hyderabad:The internet is buzzing with John Cena's Oscars 2024 moment with various social media users having a field day at the cost of his seemingly nude appearance at the award show. John Cena, a wrestler turned actor, startled audiences when he appeared at the Oscars 2024 baring his clothes. No marks for guessing that John topped the trends list on March 11, shortly after appearing virtually nude to present the Oscar for Best Costume Design at the 96th Academy Awards.
Countless social media users have gone on a meme frenzy, as is the case with practically every popular topic. The wrestler-turned-actor was summoned to the stage for a portion in which Cena was supposed to appear naked, a nod to the 1974 Oscars, when a male streaker disrupted the ceremony. Cena, on the other hand, decided to pull out of the segment at the last minute.
What Cena did, however, was walk on the Oscars 2024 stage with a big envelope artfully positioned over his belly. As he approached the centre stage, he had a minor issue: he was unable to open the package. "Costumes, they are so important," Cena stated, adding, "maybe the most important thing there is."