Hyderabad: Bollywood actor John Abraham, while promoting his upcoming film Vedaa, found himself embroiled in a dispute with an entertainment journalist during the film's trailer launch event. When the journalist asked him about his preference for sticking to his comfort zone in doing films, John did not hold back, referring to the reporter as an 'idiot'. Now, in a recent interview with a YouTube channel, the actor reiterated his stance, asserting that the journalist had it coming and 'deserved' the backlash.
During the interview, John elaborated on his view that the journalist was intentionally placed there to provoke him, stating, "I know that one guy was planted there to rile me up, to antagonise me, to provoke me. And I must say, he won and I lost because I did get angry." He said, "The guy seemed to be on orders from a superior, likely aiming to stir me up for content creation. And in that moment, I reacted."
He further reflected on the fact that he had not participated in events for quite some time, admitting to being "out of practice" when it comes to dealing with such situations. Additionally, John expressed that he does not like trailer launch events. Regarding his dislike of trailer launches, he said, "I don't like trailer launches because it's always the same journalists asking the same silly questions. In my opinion, entertainment journalism in India is finished, Nnobody is asking intelligent questions anymore."