Hyderabad: South Indian actor Malavika Mohanan is all set to make her debut in Bollywood with the highly anticipated action-thriller Yudhra, where she is paired with Siddhant Chaturvedi. The film, directed by Ravi Udyawar, is creating a buzz in the industry, especially after the release of its trailer and song. A standout feature from the recently unveiled song Saathiya is the noticeable chemistry between the lead actors.
In a recent discussion with a newswire, Malavika openly spoke about the obstacles faced while shooting intimate scenes. She noted that while intimacy can pose challenges on set, the presence of intimacy coordinators has made these moments easier to handle. However, the shooting of the song Saathiya brought about an unforeseen difficulty. Malavika disclosed that the cold weather during their shoot significantly complicated the filming of the intimate scenes, leaving the actors dealing with icy conditions that made it hard to focus on the romantic elements.
Reflecting on their experience, she stated, "We were against the waves, completely drenched, and it was freezing! The last thing on our minds was kissing." She found humour in the behind-the-scenes moments, noting that laughter filled many instances throughout the shoot.