Hyderabad:Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, who is quite vocal about her opinions on social media, recently took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express her stance on Elon Musk's latest venture. The actor has lent her support to Elon Musk's Neuralink Corp., which is performing the first human brain implant. Elon's move represents a significant step towards his aim of allowing people to operate computers with their minds.
Sharing the update, X owner Elon posted on Tuesday, "The first @Neuralink product is called Telepathy." He also said, "Enables you to operate your phone or computer, and nearly any other device, simply by thinking. The first users will be people who have lost the use of their limbs. Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal."
Sharing it, Kangana said, "Satyug was primarily called so because of this technology/ability of communication without speaking; if we see this in our lifetime, then it's not impossible to imagine technology Devtas and Rishis and many other celestial beings use in our scriptures, because for most of these so-called atheists biggest challenge is to understand what they don't know/or haven't seen, as they call everything in our scriptures too far fetched, well not that far anymore."