Hyderabad:Pawan Kalyan, the Telugu superstar and Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, met with Telugu film producers in Vijayawada on Monday, alongside Minister of Cinematography Kandula Durgesh. Before diving into politics and founding the Jana Sena Party, Pawan Kalyan had a stellar two-decade-long stint in the Telugu film industry, delivering numerous blockbusters. He began his journey with Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi where he starred opposite Supriya Yarlagadda. Interestingly, their recent meeting marked his reunion with Surpiya after nearly three decades.
Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi, helmed by EVV Satyanarayana, not only marked Pawan Kalyan's debut but also introduced Supriya Yarlagadda, granddaughter of the late Akkineni Nageswara Rao and niece of Nagarjuna Akkineni, to the silver screen.
Nearly three decades later, Supriya Yarlagadda, who also turned producer, along with several prominent figures from Tollywood, met with Pawan Kalyan at his office in Vijayawada. Pawan and Supriya's reunion has since become a social media sensation, with their pictures garnering widespread attention.
Currently, Supriya is bankrolling a film titled Dacoit, starring Adivi Sesh and Shruti Haasan. Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan, amidst his political commitments, remains dedicated to completing his ongoing film projects including They Call Him OG, Hari Hara Veera Mallu, and Ustaad Bhagat Singh.