Chennai:The title of Rajinikanth's upcoming film Coolie was recently revealed. The title promo, unveiled a few weeks ago, has stirred considerable excitement among fans for the actioner helmed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. However, it has also sparked a heated debate due to music composer Ilaiyaraaja claiming copyright infringement over his song Va Va Pakkam Vaa, used in the promo without his consent.
Addressing the issue, Rajinikanth, in a recent interaction with the media at Chennai International Airport, tactfully remarked that it's a matter between the producer and the ace music composer. He suggested that they should resolve it amicably. The Coolie team now faces legal trouble, with Ilaiyaraaja issuing a copyright notice to the production house for unauthorised use of his music.
Ilaiyaraaja insists that proper permission must be sought or the song removed from the promo. He has also cautioned that failing to comply could result in legal action.