Hyderabad:On the special occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on Tuesday, several celebrities took to their social media handles to extend greetings to their fans. Hanuman Jayanti, which commemorates Lord Hanuman's birth, is held on the full moon day of the Hindu month Chaitra. From veteran actor Anupam Kher, Sidharth Malhotra to South biggie Ram Charan, many actors shared heartfelt wishes on the special day.
On the auspicious day of Hanuman Jayanti, actor Anupam Kher sent blessings to everyone. Kher took to Instagram and shared a video of Lord Hanuman with Hanuman Chalisa playing in the background. Sharing the video, he wrote, "Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to everyone on Shri Hanuman Jayanti! May the blessings of Shri Hanuman ji, the giver of eight accomplishments and nine treasures and a devout follower of Lord Shri Ram, be with us all. Om, Hanumate Namah!"
Similarly, RRR famed actor Ram Charan took to his Instagram handle and shared a still of himself singing and dancing in front of a Hanuman idol. Sharing the image, the actor wrote: "Happy hanuman Jayanti!!" Moreover, Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra shared a picture of a massive idol of Lord Hanuman seated in a scenic setting surrounded by mountains. The actor wished his fans a happy Hanuman Jayanti with the short video on his Story.