Hyderabad: The makers of Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, have filed a complaint with the cybercrime police after the film fell victim to piracy and extortion. Directed by Shankar, the recently released political thriller hit the silver screens on January 10 during the Sankranthi season but faced major struggles due to leaks of the movie's key content.
According to the complaint, a group of around 45 individuals threatened the film's producers and key team members via WhatsApp and social media. The alleged perpetrators demanded money, warning that they would leak crucial portions of the movie if their demands were not met. Despite the producers' refusal to comply, some scenes were leaked online two days before the movie's release.
On the day of its theatrical debut, an HD pirated version of the film was circulated on platforms such as Telegram and social media. The makers have since provided evidence against the suspects and lodged a complaint. Authorities are now working to trace the people behind the leaks and determine whether this was an independent or collaborative effort.