Hyderabad:Fighter, which was released in theatres on Thursday, witnessed a steep decline on its first Monday. The Siddharth Anand directorial, according to Sacnilk, minted more than Rs 126 crore in India within five days of its release. The film stars Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone in major roles.
The film grossed Rs 22.5 crore at the domestic box office on its opening day. It went on to collect Rs 39.5 crore on its second day, Rs 27.5 crore on its third day, and Rs 29 crore on its fourth day. Early projections by Industry tracker Sacnilk suggest that Fighter would make approximately Rs 8 crore nett in India on its fifth day across all languages. The Monday collections take the total to Rs 126.5 crore at the Indian box office.
Apart from Deepika and Hrithik, Fighter also includes Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover, and Akshay Oberoi in key roles. The film stars Hrithik as Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania or Patty, Deepika Padukone as Squadron Leader Minal Rathore or Minni, and Anil as Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh aka Rocky, all battling for their country. It is promoted as a tribute to the valour, sacrifice, and patriotism of the Indian military.