Hyderabad: Bigg Boss 14 fame actor Jasmin Bhasin recently found out that she has hurt her corneas during an event in Delhi. The actor shared that her eyes started paining after she wore contact lenses at the event. Bhasin said she cannot see anything and has severe pain in her eyes.
Following the incident, the television actor returned to Mumbai, where she is currently undergoing treatment in Mumbai and the doctors have advised her to take complete rest for 4-5 days. Narrating the untoward incident, Jasmin told a news wire that she felt uneasiness after she wore her contact lenses for an event in Delhi on July 17. Despite the pain, she went ahead with the event, as it was a work commitment.
The actor said she covered her eyes with sunglasses and consulted a doctor after the event was over. Detailing the pain, she said that after a point she 'couldn't see anything.' Sharing her experience with a media portal, the actor said: "Later at night, we went to an eye specialist, who told me that my corneas were damaged and bandaged my eyes. The following day, I rushed to Mumbai and continued my treatment here. I am experiencing a lot of pain. Doctors have told me that I should recover in the next four-five days, but till then, I need to take good care of my eyes."