Hyderabad:Deepika Padukone was spotted at Kalina airport in Mumbai, holding her baby daughter Dua Padukone Singh in her arms. This is the first time the actor has been seen alone with her daughter in public. Deepika was seen in a red outfit and dark sunglasses, with her hair tied in a bun. She carried Dua in a baby carrier, strapped to her chest.
The actor's appearance comes two days after she made her first public appearance after Dua's birth at the Bengaluru concert of singer Diljit Dosanjh. At the concert, Deepika gave Diljit a quick Kannada lesson, teaching him how to say 'Nanu Ninige Preetistini', which means I love you in Kannada. Their onstage chemistry was loved by fans and the videos of the concert quickly went viral online.
Earlier, Deepika was seen with her husband Ranveer Singh and their daughter Dua heading to Bengaluru, which happens to be the former's hometown. However, after attending the concert, Deepika made her way back to Mumbai with her little munchkin but without her actor-husband.