Hyderabad: In exciting news, Bollywood singer Darshan Raval tied the knot with his long-time girlfriend and 'best friend' Dharal Surelia, in an intimate wedding ceremony. The couple, who have been together for several years, shared a string of pictures from their special day with fans on social media. The two looked mesmerising together, inviting heartfelt wishes from their fans and industry colleagues.
Taking to his Instagram account on Saturday evening, Darshan dropped a carousel post from the ceremony, accompanied by a heartfelt caption, which reads: "My best friend forever." In the wedding pictures, the newlywed couple looked as happy as ever, giving royal vibes. Darshan opted for a traditional ivory sherwani, while Dharal chose a red lehenga for the special occasion.
Fans flooded the comment section, congratulating the couple and showering them with well wishes. Many fans expressed their excitement, calling it a 'match made in heaven'. Wishing the singer on the big day, Samantha Ruth Prabhu wrote: "Congratulations to the both of you."