Hyderabad: The Waliv police have arrested actor Shabreen for kidnapping a three-and-a-half-year-old boy, Prince, from Palghar district. Known for her roles in crime serials such as Crime Patrol and films based on real-life events, Shabreen allegedly abducted the boy due to ongoing tensions with her lover's family. Her romantic relationship with Brijesh Singh, the boy's uncle, had faced strong opposition due to caste and religious differences between their communities.
According to Senior Police Officer Jayaraj Ranawane, Shabreen was so infatuated with Brijesh that she lost awareness of her actions, leading her to take extreme measures. Despite her repeated efforts to gain approval from Brijesh's family, their opposition remained steadfast, which ultimately drove her to kidnap Prince.
On the day of the incident, Shabreen arrived at Prince's school around 11 am, claiming to be taking him for medication. As the boy recognised her, he willingly left with her. When Prince failed to return home, his family approached the school and discovered he had left with a woman.