Hyderabad:The movie Crew, which hit big screens on March 29, has reached a significant milestone by crossing the Rs 50 crore mark at the Indian box office on its ninth day in theatres. Globally, the film featuring Kareena Kapoor Khan, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon has also surpassed Rs 100 crore in box office earnings. Over the weekend, the film's producers shared these achievements on social media, indicating that the heist comedy has now exceeded Rs 100 crore in worldwide box office collections. "Crew" tells the story of three working women against the backdrop of the aviation industry.
Excited about the film's success, the producers posted a new poster on Instagram displaying the box office figures, including a total of Rs 104.08 crore globally by day 9. They expressed their joy by saying, "That’s how we roll 💰 Flying into the 100 crore club with our Crew!🧑🏽✈️." Kareena, Tabu, and Kriti also shared this update on their Instagram accounts, tagging their colleagues from the movie.
Earlier, Crew made history on its opening day by recording the highest opening for a film led by three female stars, collecting Rs 20.07 crores globally.