Hyderabad: The grand finale episode of Bigg Boss 17 is scheduled to air on January 28, 2024, leaving fans eager to know the winner of the reality show. Recently, the media reporters grilled the top six contestants, namely Vicky Jain, Ankita Lokhande, Mannara Chopra, Arun Mashettey, Munawar Faruqui, and Abhishek Kumar during a press conference. Adding a twist to the plot, the makers have introduced a mid-week eviction just before the highly anticipated grand finale. As per the most recent update, Vicky Jain has been eliminated from the house through this eviction process.
In the latest update, Ankita Lokhande's spouse Vicky Jain bid farewell to the house a few days prior to the finale episode. After spending 100 days in the show, he was eliminated due to insufficient votes from the viewers. The makers arranged a forest task in the activity area, where contestants had to read names written on a tree. Through this process, one contestant was eliminated ahead of the grand finale, delivering some heartbreaking news to Vicky Jain's fans who had hoped to see him among the top 5.