Hyderabad:Allu Arjun took to social media to express his sentiments a day after the historic Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony on January 22. The ceremony, attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other dignitaries, marked the consecration of the idol of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya. Allu Arjun shared a video on his Instagram Story featuring an image of Lord Ram, Sita, and Lakshman, accompanied by the Jai Shri Ram song from the film Adipurush, starring Prabhas and Kriti Sanon.
In his heartfelt message, the National Award-winning actor conveyed his emotions about the Ram Mandir inauguration, describing it as the "beginning of a new era in India." He expressed his wish for Ayodhya to become the largest pilgrimage site globally in the years to come. Allu Arjun's post resonated with the sentiments of many countrymen who witnessed the significant event. He concluded his message with the powerful words, "JAI SRIRAM JAI HIND."
" What a day for INDIA. Feeling very emotional about the Ram Mandir Inauguration. I felt like it was a beginning of a new era in India with his arrival. I truly wish to see AYODHYA as the biggest pilgrim in the world in the years to come. JAI SRIRAM JAI HIND," reads Allu Arjun's Instagram Story.